Tuesday 25 June 2013

Stress among first year students in an Indian medical school

Out of 125 students, 115 returned the completed questionnaire indicating a response rate of 92%. The prevalence of emotional disorders among the students was 37.3%. Among the sources of stress
in the academic category, 91.6% of the students had difficulty in keeping pace with the amount of information that has to be mastered. 76.6% of the students felt thatthe workload is too much and 64% of the students had difficulty in adjusting to the long hours of academic work. For 52.5%of the students, competition for good grades was also a source of stress. Only
12.5% of the students felt that they had difficulty in following the teaching language and in approaching the faculty staff.Among the non-academic problems,56.6% of the students stated that theydidn’t have time for recreation and 26.6% felt home-sick. 25.8% felt that they find difficulty in adjusting with their girlfriend/boyfriend and 22.5% seemed to behaving problems with their health. 20.8%,15.8% 14.16% and 11.6% of students found difficulty with their accommodation, room-mates, financial matters and in
making friends respectively.

Monday 24 June 2013

What is Statistical Data?

Statistics is the study of the collection, organization, analysis, interpretation and presentation of data. It deals with all aspects of data, including the planning of data collection in terms of the design of surveys and experiments.

The word statistics, when referring to the scientific discipline, is singular, as in "Statistics is an art." This should not be confused with the word statistic, referring to a quantity (such as mean or median) calculated from a set of data. Whose plural is statistics ("this statistic seems wrong" or "these statistics are misleading").


                                                            Source: www.ultraflightradio.com


MMA2113 Media Art Design 3 Assignment 1 Project Brief

MMA2113 Media Art Design 3 | Assignment 01 Brief (50%)
Task: Re-visualized statistical data into metaphoric creative interaction!
This is an individual project. Students are required to conduct research related to
statistical data
available online.
All findings, information and statistical data samples should be made available and
uploaded into blog (please include your
resources + links).
Choose only
statistical data sample from your findings and state the
why you choose it in short
Idea development: Develop the understanding of your chosen sample by doing more in-depth ‘design, art and interactive’
related research for your artwork idea developments. Brainstorm. Students are encouraged to ‘play’ with
semantic and semiotic language
in creating their artworks. Idea development sketches.
your statistical
sample! DO your
artist statement
to express the whole concept and purpose of your artwork. You should have your project title
and brief at this point.
Non-electronic or electronic interactivity: it’s your choice. Students are free to choose any kind of interactivity methods for their
assignment but the interactive
work must carry statistical data
from chosen sample. Sketch and explain your creative
interaction ideas. Screen design is not mandatory.
Sky is the limit
Good Luck.
Evaluation Criteria
and Idea development process:
Overall concept and creativity:
, project execution and interactivity:
, concept board:
Submission: Week 6
A4 sketches: project brief + idea development sketches (clear folder)
- CDROM: Working files + video documentation of your creative interaction + blog content
- Concept board (name, id, artist statement at the back)
- Blog