Tuesday 25 June 2013

Stress among first year students in an Indian medical school

Out of 125 students, 115 returned the completed questionnaire indicating a response rate of 92%. The prevalence of emotional disorders among the students was 37.3%. Among the sources of stress
in the academic category, 91.6% of the students had difficulty in keeping pace with the amount of information that has to be mastered. 76.6% of the students felt thatthe workload is too much and 64% of the students had difficulty in adjusting to the long hours of academic work. For 52.5%of the students, competition for good grades was also a source of stress. Only
12.5% of the students felt that they had difficulty in following the teaching language and in approaching the faculty staff.Among the non-academic problems,56.6% of the students stated that theydidn’t have time for recreation and 26.6% felt home-sick. 25.8% felt that they find difficulty in adjusting with their girlfriend/boyfriend and 22.5% seemed to behaving problems with their health. 20.8%,15.8% 14.16% and 11.6% of students found difficulty with their accommodation, room-mates, financial matters and in
making friends respectively.

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