Tuesday 4 September 2012


Artist Statement- Video
For this final assignment, we were given a specific theme which are Time and Space. For me time and space is more to scientific. My ideation is I will choose a strong character to represent a street seller, begger and so on who are not really pay attention of this kind of person. In this situation also reflected who are alone.Besides that,I choosed Adobe Flash to create a video. In my video, I choose city as my venue, because it is represent a space that have many kind of people. On the other hand, he or she may be will feel the time is pass very slowly because they feel they are alone and like break out from the world.Then,all the cars and peoples who are busy with their own things really can’t notice them and may be they all will just pass .The end part of the video,the person disappear from that place, because of didn’t take any attention from the public.

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