Monday 19 November 2012

Season Color

Spring Colors (warm):

Ivory / Peach skin
Gold or creamy undertones
Springs can wear very pale, soft colors, such as peach, camel, golden yellow, golden brown, and aqua. They also look good in ivory, bright greens, true reds, clear blues and coral. Avoid colors that are too dull and muted or too dark. Avoid black and white, which are also too contrasting.
Examples of people that are Springs (note that they often do not wear their correct colors)
Notice the warmth in their skin and overall lack of contrast.

Autumn Colors (warm):

Orange Skin
Gold or peach undertones
Autumn profiles have a lot of depth to their warm skin tone. Rich golden, spicy, and earthy colors will accent the complexion. Autumns can wear both muted and rich warm colors that are seen in autumn leaves such as camel, beige, olive, orange, gold, and dark brown. They also look great in a rich warm grey.
Autumn and Winter people have greater latitude with what colors they wear, so long as they avoid pastels.
Examples of people that are Autumn
Notice their skin is also warm, but they are more contrasting.

Summer Colors (cool):

Pink / Pale skin
Blue or Pink undertones
Summer is a cool tone with blue or pink undertones and a low level of contrast between their hair, eye color and skin tone. They need soft neutrals and pastels, as well as muted colors with cool undertones. Powder blue, dusty pink, mauve, lavender, plum, and pale yellow will complement them. Avoid intense, vivid hues because they will look harsh. Earth tones, black and orange will also drown out the skin.
Spring and summer people have the hardest time figuring out what they should wear for some reason. Quite often spring people think they are summers and summer people think they are winter.
Examples of people that are Summer
Notice the skin is cool and there is less contrast in their features.

Winter Colors (cool):

Winter profiles have a lot of depth to their coloring and a lot of contrast between their hair color, eye color and skin tone. Winters need hues that are sharp, stark and clear to complement their skin. They look best in intense, rich colors, like black, navy blue, red, and hot pink. For lighter colors, wear bright white or icy pastels, such as cool blues, pinks and yellows. Avoid earthy tones and subdued colors like beige, orange and gold as they will make the skin look unhealthy.
Winter also looks good in black and white. Wintercan generally wear a larger range of colors because they are more contrasting. Pink, blue or green undertones are all cool, so cool colors will always work. Adding grey to a color also makes it work well for Winters.
Winter can also be white, blonde hair and pale, white skin if they have contrasting features.
Examples of people that are Winter
Notice the skin has cool undertones such as green, blue or pink, and they have stronger contrast.

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