Monday 17 December 2012

Final Design

Name: Gan Xiao Whua
ID: 1112701817
Artist Treatment: Adobe Illustrator  CS5
Artist Statement:  For this assignment 2, I used Dolphin as my subject because I think  Dolphin have a same characteristic with the artist that I chose, Woo Sok Jang, Interactive Media Artist from Korea. Dolphin is a creative, good communicator and social interact with audience. Same with the artist, as an interactive media artist, he had design or create the installation art  that had a good interactive with a user and user friendly .Besides that, I chose blue color as my screen design color theme because based on my research, the artist’s style is more to freedom, relaxation, calming and is a natural color. Blue color is seen as trustworthy, dependable and committed just like the artist. Then, the different size of the wave is representing different path, career, and design. After that, the font for the title that I used is Cooper std, black color, font size 75pt. Font for the button is Forte, font size 48pt.  


Color Studies


Connection With Nature:

Blue is calming. It can be strong and steadfast or light and friendly. Almost everyone likes some shade of the color blue. In 1999 Pantone named the sky blue color of Cerulean as the color of the new millennium. Pantone selected the color Blue Iris as the 2008 Color of the Year telling us: "Combining the stable and calming aspects of blue with the mystical and spiritual qualities of purple, Blue Iris satisfies the need for reassurance in a complex world, while adding a hint of mystery and excitement."
A natural color, from the blue of the sky, it is a universal color.
The color blue is one of trust, honesty and loyalty. It is sincere, reserved and quiet, and doesn't like to make a fuss or draw attention.
The color of ocean and sky, blue is perceived as a constant in our lives. As the collective color of the spirit, it invokes rest and can cause the body to produce chemicals that are calming.




Playful, friendly, intelligent, and social,  the Dolphin's long held reputation and popularity speaks for itself,which makes the Dolphin the perfect symbol for the number 3.  Those who have a number 3 birthday also share the same qualities and characteristics of the Dolphin that's usually easy to spot, because just like dolphins, most have a way of being seen and heard!


Dolphin personalities are the ones who bring in the fun, and have a way of lightening up any social
situation, with jokes or funny stories or anecdotes, and sometimes, antics.  Endowed with a way with
words, Dolphins are youthful looking people who generally have good writing and verbal skills, and can be somewhat talkative when the mood hits.Though they tend to have a bubbly and cheerful outlook on life, it's not always fun and games with them.  Dolphins tend to be very ambitious and proud people, and desire above all else to achieve something to show for their hard work and effort. They also tend to aspire to great heights, and to inspire others with their creativeness and upbeat optimism.However, the Dolphin personality is also prone to over-optimism and unrealistic expectations of themselves and others, which can sometimes lead to immature and irresponsible behavior when things don't go their way - not excluding whining, and temper tantrums.  Since music is a form of expression, most Dolphins are drawn to music, but also have a tendency to excel in all areas of entertainment, such as acting, and other performance arenas, because no one can put on a better show!  Whether it's in the classroom or the courtroom, the Dolphins rule when results need to be seen, and bring in the results, they do.Being the social creatures they are, most Dolphin people make friends easily and may have a whole array of friends from all walks of life.  


 A good name and a good reputation is important to Dolphins, although they can at times seem childish, irresponsible, self-centered, vain, and boastful...but when you're good, doesn't that just come with the territory!  Even with their faults, imagine life without the fun and the party Dolphin people bring to life.

Characteristic of Dolphin:

Youthful, active, verbal, writing, music, drama, ambition, children, creative, fun, talkative, optimistic, birth, productive, social, performance, laughter, cheerful, good communicator, acting, entertainment, put on a good show,

Sketches & Ideation


                                                                         Mind Map


Inspired Artwork

  •  Project Title : 2012 YEOSU EXPO U.A.E Pavilion
  • Date : Dec. 2011
  • Client: U.A.E Goverment
  • Dilussion Role : Interactive Media Design and Consultancy of entire U.A.E Pavillion



                                           3D weather Controller

                                                        Samsung Wave      


Interactive Media

Web Art

Fashion Art

Research of Digital Multimedia Artist

Woosok Jang, Interactive Media Artist & Chief Director in dilussion Inc. exhibiting, lecturing, and working internationally, received his MFA in 2009 from the Pratt Institute in New York. He especially majored in Interactive Media as his professional specialty . He used to work for ‘D’strict holdings Inc.’ as a Director & Leader of Art and Technology Group in order to design diverse emerging media and converge analog and digital experience for global advertising, entertainment, education and art marketing industries. His unique disciplines and tangible product R&D outputs craft revolutionary brand launching show, event, concert and environment designs such as “Tiffany&Co. media Hyper facade in Beijing in 2010, ” “Samsung Mobile Jet & Corby Global Launching Show in 2009″ with gesture sensing based by holographic display and diverse interactive brand spaces innovations.


Media Arts Design 2 - Assignment 2 Brief