Monday 17 December 2012

Final Design

Name: Gan Xiao Whua
ID: 1112701817
Artist Treatment: Adobe Illustrator  CS5
Artist Statement:  For this assignment 2, I used Dolphin as my subject because I think  Dolphin have a same characteristic with the artist that I chose, Woo Sok Jang, Interactive Media Artist from Korea. Dolphin is a creative, good communicator and social interact with audience. Same with the artist, as an interactive media artist, he had design or create the installation art  that had a good interactive with a user and user friendly .Besides that, I chose blue color as my screen design color theme because based on my research, the artist’s style is more to freedom, relaxation, calming and is a natural color. Blue color is seen as trustworthy, dependable and committed just like the artist. Then, the different size of the wave is representing different path, career, and design. After that, the font for the title that I used is Cooper std, black color, font size 75pt. Font for the button is Forte, font size 48pt.  

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