Tuesday 28 August 2012

NEW Final Artwork

Name: Gan Xiao Whua
Id: 1112701817
Artist Treatment: Paint Tool SAI and Adobe Photoshop CS5.5
Artist Statement: In this assignment 3, we need to use two different artworks to express our
                               emotion. For the anger artwork, I used orange, red and black colors to
                               express my emotion. From the top, i used light orange to express the
                               boiling anger a person’s starts to gain when pissed off. Then, red is use for
                               the rest of the background colour, because red is represent a person is now   
                               angry. After that, black colour that i created the black spot or splotches to
                               convey rage. The blood, which can be end of the result of someone
                               experiencing anger. For the typefaces, i used Mistral font and make it with
                               different size to show the angry.

Name: Gan Xiao Whua
Id: 1112701817
Artist Treatment: Adobe Illustrator CS5
Artist Statement: For this artwork surprise, i used star as my main character because star it
                               looks like more to surprise and happy. I choose orange color, because this
                               color are choose by my target audience because they said they are more to  
                               like bright color that will make our mood become good. Besides that, there
                               are also have some splash that I search from internet which are vectors  to
                               show how strong of this emotion. Then, I used Cooper Black font to
                               express this emotion by using some word such as joyful, cheerful, happy,
                               fun and surprise.

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