Tuesday 7 August 2012


   Here,the pesona that i create for my theme based on the target audience.

   Age: 19 Here,the pesona that i create for my theme based on the target audience.
   Occupation: Student
   Education: University
   Gender: Male
   Colors: Orange ,Yellow, Light Red
   Information needs: Actually it can be happy or sad and unexpected to receive a good or bad
                                   news.Then,it also is a dramatic or extreme emotion which they actually enjoy.

    Age: 19
    Occupation: Student
    Education: University
    Gender: Male
    Colors: Red, black  
    Occupation: Student
    Information needs: It something like bad or spoil mood.Then,planned   
                                   corrupted at the last minutes and will heard something about from the others
                                   people mouth but cannot be accepted by themselves.When the people
                                   screw up their "Fun day"
                              .    Example: Somebody slap us without reason.

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